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According to a 19th-century legend, the Truth and the Lie meet one day. The Lie says to the Truth It's a marvellous day today The Truth looks up to the skies and sighs, for the day was really beautiful. They spend a lot of time together, ultimately arriving beside a well. The Lie tells the Truth The water is very nice, let's take a bath together The Truth, once again Suspicious tests the water and discovers that it indeed is very nice. They undress and start bathing. Suddenly, the Lie comes out of the water, puts on the clothes of the Truth and runs away. The furious Truth comes out of the well and runs everywhere to find the Lie and to get her clothes back. The World, seeing the Truth naked, turns its gaze away, with contempt and rage. The poor Truth returns to the well and disappears forever, hiding therein its shame. Since then, the Lie travels around the world, dressed as the Truth, satisfying the needs of society, because, the World, in any case, harbours no wish at al...


A very first relation was made — "A Mate”. Not mother, Not father, Not sibling. But—A SOUL MATE, In the form of Hazrat Adam ( A. S ) and Bibi Hawa in the sky. A “soul” was made but a soul craved for a “mate” Hence a “couple” created for the comfort of the soul. I repeat; A very first relation before it became the world. Mate is a comfort to the soul to both. What we want in life? JUST A COMFORT. For this nikkah system is obligated so that the couple feel the comfort at will. Marriage is a start to one's life. Let not end it or hectic it over tiny-problems. Let not tug it to the discomfort-level. A high level of discomfort is prevailed in this relationship after marriage over mediocre things. Then, these problems touch the pinnacles of discomforts. Once we get accepted each other even in flaws, even in ups & downs and get overlooked slight concerns, then, Definitely a level of comfort may be settled down....


          Surrender now and let go! When you surrender to what is and so become fully present. The past ceases to have any power. The realm of being which had been obscured by the mind. Then opens up. Suddenly a great stillness arises within you, an unfathomable sense of peace and within that peace, there is a great joy and within that joy there is love and at the innermost core, there is the sacred the immeasurable that which can not be named. ( Eckhart Tolle). -The universe is asking you to open to the infinite nature of abundance. In this way, you can remove blocks in your life. And succeed beyond your wildest dreams. SURRENDER YOUR BELIEF IN SCARCITY. -Keep your eyes trained on yourself. Focus on your own thoughts, attractiveness and power. SURRENDER COMPARISONS WITH OTHER PEOPLE. -No matter how emotionally charged the situation remain calm and don't contribute to the drama. Staying centred with help resolve the issue more quickly. SURRENDER ...

Childhood Trauma Leads to Brains Wired for Fear

A  report by the University of San Diego School of Law found that about 686,000 children were victims of abuse and neglect in 2013. Traumatic childhood events can lead to mental health and behavioural problems later in life, explains  psychiatrist Bessel van der Kolk, author of the recently published book, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma.  Related: How two professors are helping children cope with violence Children’s brains are literally shaped by traumatic experiences, which can lead to problems with anger, addiction, and even criminal activity in adulthood, says van der Kolk. Side Effects contributing producer Barbara Lewis spoke with him about his book.  Barbara Lewis: Can psychologically traumatic events change the physical structure of the brain? Dr. Bessel van der Kolk: Yes, they can change the connections and activations...


Any parents' biggest desire is to attribute a piece of their liver to a good family with a good boy, and when that happens, their heart starts to glow at the other bliss. There is a great test in which there is both sadness and happiness. The daughter-in-law is an innocent person who does not know the rules of eating and drinking other foods.  However, time and circumstances teach her everything. Although, the bride is brought with great love, but not given her the place she should meet. In fact, it has been our practice to humiliate the girls in some form and to present their daughter's minor shortcomings with great flaws and to make them realize that their training is inadequate while the fact is that every human being gains experience over time.  Often times it has come to see that the bride is bound to cook for 10 or more family member but unable to decree the kitchen. She is unable to make changes or cook at her own. She is a member of home - but she isn't the hol...


Every minute someone leaves this world behind.  We are all in “the line” without really realizing it.  We never know how many people are before us.  We can not move to the back of the line.  We can not step out of the line. We can not avoid the line.  So while we wait in line...  Make moments count.  Make priorities.  Make the time.  Make your gifts known.  Make a nobody feel like a somebody.  Make your voice heard.  Make small things big.  Make someone smile.  Make the change.  Make love.  Makeup.  Make peace.  Make sure to have no regrets.  Make sure you are ready.  Above all else... Make sure you tell your people that they are loved and that your faith is strong! ©MAHI SAJJAD.


It's a prelude when we born. It's a ballad when we rise. It's a sonnet when we develop. It's an epic when we win. It's a hymn when we fall. It's a verse when we pray. It's a lyric when we plan. It's an Ode when we marry. It's a rhyme when we chase. It's an elegy when we die. It's a song which we sing again & again.  life is as soft as poem, don't make it arduous by unnecessary desires. | BEGINNING | To a change. ©Mahi Sajjad.