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Any parents' biggest desire is to attribute a piece of their liver to a good family with a good boy, and when that happens, their heart starts to glow at the other bliss. There is a great test in which there is both sadness and happiness.

The daughter-in-law is an innocent person who does not know the rules of eating and drinking other foods.  However, time and circumstances teach her everything. Although, the bride is brought with great love, but not given her the place she should meet. In fact, it has been our practice to humiliate the girls in some form and to present their daughter's minor shortcomings with great flaws and to make them realize that their training is inadequate while the fact is that every human being gains experience over time. Often times it has come to see that the bride is bound to cook for 10 or more family member but unable to decree the kitchen. She is unable to make changes or cook at her own. She is a member of home - but she isn't the holder of It. Following these untrue, incorrect erroneous notions, she becomes a living-robot/carcass. Such a robot is operated as instructed or programmed by others. Only a place she is given is a room (box) to breath at will. She must be given a place to which she is entitled. It is assumed to be the first in-laws that they may respect and honour their daughters-in-law. Because she is new to this house and unknown to the ways of home. She will behave as you teach her. She will think of you as her own, even if you have no blood with her. What is the best way is to never have blood in these relationships, but definitely sweat!  Make it easy to understand each other and try to get to know and recognize. Take these relationships in time and overlook many things so much as we overlook many things of our children. This is the best way to remove the hurtful things from the path of the people.

But we are not actually willing to give/accept each other genuine status by becoming a mother-in-law or daughter-in-law. If this happens then the problems will be gone. If both understand that family members are more important to us than the problem. If both begin to value each other,  then a beautiful relationship in the world which has always been under stress will become very transparent. If you value your family, the problems will not be the same.

In a general view,  that the one who grinds like a grinder between them all - IS A MALE (g r o o m). Neither mother-in-law nor daughter-in-law, BUT A GROOM. He doesn't remain mentally free amid all.

And man's greatest strength is his intellectual and intellectual freedom.  When a person is mentally free, he can cope with all kinds of situations. It is, hereby, tried to explain that- despite all flaws and ups and downs, there must be an acceptance of everything.

| BEGINNING | To a change

©Mahi Sajjad.


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