Look at who, Everyone is wandring like ailing-soul. When you tell someone your sorrow. On the contrary he sits down to express his sorrow.
To alleviate this pain, One must recite, The holy book of ALLAH. ( THE QURAN ).
It is recital- that a b s o r b s s o r r o w
l i k e a s p o n g e . It absorbs your grief as same as sponge does. And make your heart and mind at peace.
Almighty ALLAH ! prefers the daily/ routine worship. Set a scheduled piece of prayers which you commemorate everyday.
It can be a piece of
| Recital تلاوت
Prayer نماز
313 times,Rossary of durood-e-Pak درود پاڪ
must be in your daily-Practice. | any many more.
| Daily-practice of any particular prayers gets you closer to ALLAH.|
Life is not so difficult, As we ourselves have made it difficult.
It is We, Who are roaming heedless. What flap should we catch-up- that We have left it.
Don't know which world we want to conquer. Who we are so busy in the affairs of the world. Which has made the life of two bridges so difficult.
O' homo-sapiens......
Remember ALLAH, Otherwise You will remain tangled in the affairs of the world.
Then there comes a time, Allah ! gradually separates you from all the earthly beaches, Not because you become unbacked, But because you see the Lord's support clearly and conspicuous.
The purpose of life is to COME and GO.
Where to go- rememeber- that Way.
ALLAH is the one, Who absorbs all your grief.